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40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know

Today we will discuss 40 Most Important Shortcut Keys in MS Excel Everyone Should Know. Keyboard shortcuts saves a lot of time. Using keyboard shortcuts instead of mouse will make typing easier and faster.
40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel Users Must Know
40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel Users Must Know

Sr.No. Keyboard Shortcut Function of Shortcut Key
1 CTRL + N To Create a new Workbook [New File]
2 CTRL + O To open an existing Workbook in Excel
3 CTRL + S To Save an Excel Workbook.
If workbook is not saved yet, it will ask filename and location
to save the workbook for first time.
If you have saved workbook already with a filename, it will save
any changes occurred since last save.
4 CTRL + W To Close the selected workbook window.
5  F12 To display Save As dialog box,
You can save the workbook with a new name and / or on a different location.
6 CTRL + F2 To show Print Preview
7 CTRL + P To display Print dialog box
you can set different print options like page size, margin size, number of copies etc and print worksheet.
8 ALT + F4  To Exit from Excel
9 CTRL + F1  To collapse or expand Ribbon
10 CTRL + A  Select all, To select entire current worksheet
11 CTRL + C Copy contents of selected cells
12 CTRL + X Cut contents of selected cells
13 CTRL + V Paste copied or cut contents from clipboard
14 CTRL + ALT + V Show paste special dialog box
15 CTRL + F  Find, To display Find dialogbox
16 CTRL + H  Replace, To show Find / Replace dialog box. Replace option selected.
You can replace occurrences of an existing word by a new word easily.
17 SHIFT+SPACE To Select entire current row
18 CTRL + SPACE To Select entire current column
19 CTRL + V Paste copied or cut contents from clipboard
20 SHIFT+F11 To insert new worksheet
21 CTRL + PageDown To go to next worksheet 
22 CTRL + PageUp To go to previous worksheet
23 F7 To show Spelling check dialog box
24 SHIFT+F7 To display Thesaurus dialog box
25 ALT+Enter To insert a line break in a cell
26 CTRL + Z To undo last action
27 CTRL + Y To redo last action
28 F1 To show Help dialog box
29 F10 To activate the menu bar
30 CTRL + G To display go to dialog box
31 CTRL + ; Insert current date in a cell
32 CTRL + Shift + ; Inserts current time in a cell
33 CTRL + B To apply / toggle  bold text on contents of selected cells
34 CTRL + U To apply / toggle  underline text on contents of selected cells
35 CTRL + I To apply / toggle  italic text on contents of selected cells
36 CTRL + KTo show Insert Hyperlink dialog box
37 F2To edit the active cell
38 EscTo cancel
39 CTRL + 5To apply strike through in selected cells
40 CTRL + 1To show Format cells dialog box
MS Excel Formulas and Functions
40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know

Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions Fast and Easy Way -1

Using Simple Formulas in Excel With Arithmetic Operators 2

How Functions are Used in Excel Fast and Easy Way 3

Create Bar Chart in Excel Easily by Example

Employee Pay sheet Formulas in Microsoft Excel 

Students Test Score Grades Result Sheet in Excel

MS Excel House Building Expense Management Formulas Worksheet

Excel Worksheet With Income Tax Calculation Formula on Employee Pay

Microsoft Excel Formulas To Calculate Your Age in Years Months Days and Day of Birth

Create 3D Line Chart in MS EXCEL for 2 Cricket Teams

Create Save Password Protect Workbook in Excel

Use of Text Functions Left Right Mid in Excel

Use of Max Min Functions in Excel

Use of Average Function With Examples

Uses of Excel in Business and Commerce

Use of SUM Function With Examples in MS Excel

Create PIE Chart in MS Excel

40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know

40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know
40 Most Important Short Cut Keys Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know


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