Topic: What are Different Pointing Input Devices A Pointing input device is an input device which is used to control the movement of the pointer to select items on a display screen. Examples of pointing input devices include: Mouse, Track ball, Joystick, Pointing Stick, Graphic Tablet, Touch pad or Track pad, Touch Screen and Light pen etc. 1. Mouse Explain different Pointing input devices - Mouse Mouse is an input device used to control motion of pointer on screen. A mouse has two or three buttons called Left, Right and Middle button. Buttons are used to perform different functions. 2. Track Ball Track Ball is an input device like a mouse. It is used in Lap top computers to control motion of pointer on screen. It is a pointing device like upside down mouse. It has a ball on its upper side. This ball is moved by fingers or thumb and the pointer moves accordingly on screen. 3. Joystick Joystick is an input device...
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