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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions Fast and Easy Way -2

Using Simple Formulas in Excel With Arithmetic Operators-2

What are Arithmetic Operators in Excel? Arithmetic Operators are used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division etc. There are following arithmetic operators in Microsoft Excel: Using Arithmetic / Mathematical Operators in MS Excel Formulas 1.  + Operator The + arithmetic operator is used to perform addition of numbers. It is used with in formulas along with Cell References normally. For example, to add the number 10 in A1 cell and the number 20 in B1 cell, we can write a formula =A1+B1 in cell C1. After pressing Enter key we will see the answer 30 in the cell C1. Important Points To Write a Simple Formula in Excel Every formula in Microsoft Excel is started with an Equal sign ( = ). Arithmetic operators (+ for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division) are used. Percentage is calculated by % operator. ( =B2*10%       means 10% of the number in cell B2) Pow...