Download Paper Pattern For B.Sc. Advanced Computer Studies ACS Class Islamia University Bahawalpur The Islmia University of Bahawapur REVISED CURRICULUM of ADVANCED COMPUTER STUDIES (ACS) For B.A / B.SC.EXAMINATION 2005 & ONWARDS Paper Pattern For ACS, B.Sc. Advanced Computer Studies, Islamia University Bahawalpur COURSE MARKS: 200 THEORY: 160 PRACTICAL & PROJECT: 40 ACS - Third Year (B.Sc Part-I) Paper I, II and C++ practical will be offered in the third year ACS - Fourt Year (B.Sc Part-II) Paper III. IV and project work will be offered in fourth year. Paper I, II, III and IV all have two sections each which carry equal mark. THIRD YEAR PAPER – I Introduction to information Technology 40 PAPER -II Programming using C++ 40 PROJECT PRACTICAL using C++ 20 FOURTH YEAR PAPER -III Data Base Management system 40 PAPER-IV Introduction to Web Programming 40 PROJECT 20 ASSESSMENT METHOD ...
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