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How to Create College Admission Inquiry Report in Excel

Today, we will discuss how to prepare an Excel worksheet for Admission Inquiry in a College. Actually the management of the college wishes to monitor the Performance of the marketing and advertising staff. The advertising and publicity staff of the college is responsible for taking steps to better publicize the good reputation of the college and attract new  students for admission in college classes.
Excel Worksheet For College Admission Inquiries Performance Report
Excel Worksheet For College Admission Inquiries Performance Report

The Excel worksheet about Admission inquiries performance report will perform the following tasks:

  1. It will record Serial No., Date, Inquiries for ICS, B.Sc.(ACS) and MCS
       Note: ICS stands for Intermediate in Computer Science, ACS stands for Advanced Computer                         studies and MCS stands for Master in Computer Science.
  1. It will calculate total inquiries by adding the inquiries of the three classes.
  2. It will output a message in Performance column as given below:

  • Show a message "Excellent"  for inquiries greter than or equal to 100
  • Show a message "Good"  for inquiries greter than or equal to 80
  • Show a message "Satidfactory"  for inquiries greter than or equal to 40
  • Show a message "Unsatisfactory"  otherwise, that is when inquiries are less than 40 per day.

Steps to create Admission Inquiries of a College Worksheet in Excel

1. Prepare the basic admission inquiries worksheet with proper formatting

Guidelines for Formatting the Admission Inquiries Performance Report Worksheet

Type necessary headings in the worksheet. If you wish to merge cells, perform the steps as shown in the figure below:
Apply Merge and center option in Excel worksheet
Apply Merge and center option in Excel worksheet
You can apply middle align options as shown in the figure below:
Apply middle align option in Excel worksheet
Apply middle align option in Excel worksheet

You can increase font size of the text in cells:
Increase font size in excel worksheet

You can apply borders option to selected cells in the worksheet as shown in the following picture:
Apply borders to cells in Excel worksheet

You can insert word art in Excel worksheet as shown in the image below:
You can insert word art in Excel worksheet
You can insert word art in Excel worksheet

2. Enter sample data in worksheet as shown in the figure.

3. Enter necessary formulas and predefined functions
4. First of all, when you start work on the worksheet, save the workbook with a proper name as College Admissions Inquiries Report Worksheet. During your work, press CTRL + S from keyboard to save changes, often.

How To Use Necessary Formulas and Functions

In this worksheet, we will use two functions according to the requirements
     1. SUM function
     2. IF function

Using SUM function to get Total Inquiries

Place cursor in cell referenced by F4.
Type  =
Type name of function that is SUM
Type address of ICS cell referenced by C4
Type a colon :
Type address of cell MCS referenced by address E4
Press enter
The total of inquiries will be shown in cell F4.
Apply Sum function in Excel worksheet
Apply Sum function in Excel worksheet

Using Logical IF Function To Show Suitable Message according to Total Inquiries

We will use IF function as following:


Syntax of IF logical function is:

IF(Logical-Test, Value-If-True, Value-If-False)

Example of IF Function is


It will give Satisfactory if cell F4 contains a number greater than or equal to forty or it will return Unsstisfactory otherwise, when less than forty.
Apply Logical IF function in College Admission Inquiries Report Excel worksheet
Apply Logical IF function in College Admission Inquiries Report Excel worksheet


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