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What is Computer

Topic: What is Computer

Definition of Computer

Computer is an electronic machine that takes data and instructions, processes data according to the given instructions, produces results and stores them for later use.
What is a computer - Define computer - Computer Definition
What is a computer - Define computer - Computer Definition

A computer is an electronic machine that can: Accept input, Process input, Produce output:

  1.  Accept input. Note that,  Input could be entered by a human through a keyboard, or received over a network, or provided automatically by sensors attached to the computer.
  2. Execute a set of instructions to process the input data.
  3. Produce output. Output could be data displayed to a human in the form of soft copy output or hard copy output, but it could also be anything that effects the world outside the computer such as electrical signals that control how a device operates.

Today, computers are being used in every field of life. It can be used for different tasks.
It is used for data processing. It is used to calculate or perform some mathematical work. It can be used for word processing, record keeping, listening music, playing computer games etc. And above all, it is being used to access and use Internet, a huge source of information.

So, Computers are being used in every field of life, some of important fields in which computers play an important role are given below:
 You can click on the links to read in detail:
1.8 What are uses of computer at Home
1.9 Uses Of Computer in Business Organizations
1.10 Uses Of Computer In Education Field
1.11 Uses Of Computer in Medical Field
1.12 Uses Of Computer In Industry
1.13 Uses Of Computer In Science

Introduction To Computer
1.1 What is Computer
1.2 What are Characteristics of Computer
1.3 What are the basic units or components of a computer
1.4 What are Different Types of Computer
1.5 Write a note on Classification of Computers
1.6 What are the basic operations of a computer
1.7 Explain The Concept of A Computer System
1.8 What are uses of computer at Home
1.9 Uses Of Computer in Business Organizations
1.10 Uses Of Computer In Education Field
1.11 Uses Of Computer in Medical Field
1.12 Uses Of Computer In Industry
1.13 Uses Of Computer In Science
1.14 Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computers


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