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Converting Decimal Number system to Binary, Octal and Hexa Decimal with Examples and Vice Versa

Topics covered with examples: Converting Decimal Number system to Binary, Octal and Hexa Decimal with Examples and Vice Versa Number Systems in Computer Science and Conversion Method Conversion of Decimal number system to other  number systems Conversion of Decimal number system to binary number systems Conversion of Decimal number system to octal number systems Conversion of Decimal number system to hexadecimal number systems Conversion of    non-decimal Number system to Other non-decimal number system Conversion of other number systems to Decimal number system Conversion of binary number systems to Decimal number system Conversion of octal number systems to Decimal number system Conversion of  hexadecimal number systems to Decimal number system Q1. What is a Number System? What are different types of number system? Number system A number system is a set of digits, symbols and rules to express quantities in counting and c...

C Plus Plus Programming Practical ACS Advanced Computer Studies

C Plus Plus Programming Practical Advanced Computer Studies Here is a sample old question paper for guiding the students about the practical examination. C++ Programming Practical will be of  20 marks. Time allowed will be 1 hour 30 Minutes. Section One contains only one compulsory question of Viva Vice ( Oral questioning) Question No: 1 will be compulsory , VIVA VOCE of 5 marks. In Section -II , You have to attempt any two questions(programs) out of  3 questions Question No 2: C++ Program of 7.5 Marks Question No 3: C++ Program of 7.5 Marks Question No 4: C++ Program of 7.5 Marks C++ Programming Practical for Advanced Computer Studies A sample solution to program 1: Count number of vowels in a string  c program Count number of vowels in a string output of c program

Short Notes on Microsoft Word's Important Practicals Part - I

Topic: Short Notes on Microsoft Word's Important Practicals Part - I Microsoft is one of the most popular word processing software by Microsoft. It is used to prepare different types of documents efficiently. Today we will learn some important practicals under Home Tab. 1. Some Basic Tasks  - New, Save, Open Click on Start button. Select Microsoft Office Word 2007. A new blank document will be opened with Microsoft Word User Interface. Type your text in this MS Word document. Click on Office button. Select Save option. Type Filename in filename box. Select location like Desktop etc. Click on Save button or press Enter. To Open an Existing Word Document Press CTRL+O, or click on Office button, select from recent documents, or click on open option Select location / folder containing the required file / Word document. Double click on the document to open. 2. Copy Paste, Cut Paste Select text. Click on Home tab. Click on Copy comma...