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Computer Software VIVA

Q1. Define software. Explain different types of software.

Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. Examples of software are: MS Word, MS EXCEL, MS POWER POINT, WinZip, Norton Anti Virus, MSN Messenger, MS Windows, DOS, Unix

Q2. Explain different types of software.

Viva Short Questions of Computer Software

The main types of software are system software and application software.
1. System Software
System software is a set of programs to implement certain functions in a computer system. It controls the operations and components of a computer system.

Examples of system software are as follows:

•   Operating Systems:Operating system is a software to control overall operations and components of a computer system. e.g., Windows, Unix, Linux and Dos etc.

•   Utility Programs:Utility program is used to solve a particular problem of software or hardware, for example, Antivirus program, disk scanner and File Viewer etc.

•   Device Drivers:device drier is a software that permits a computer system to communicate with a device. e.g., device driver software for a modem.

2. Application Software

Application software is a program needed to perform various applications on the computer by the user. It helps a computer user to solve specific problems.
Examples of application software are as follows:
i. Word Processing
Word processing software is used to produce letters, applications and other documents, for example MS Word.
ii. Spreadsheets
Spreadsheet program is used for calculations for example MS Excel.
iii. Databases
Database software is used to record data of an organization on computer. MS Access and Oracle are examples of database software.
iv. Graphics
Graphics software is used to produce advertisements, posters etc. for example CorelDraw and Photoshop.
v. Communication
Communications software is used to communicate with different people using Internet, e.g., MSN Messenger, yahoo messenger and Internet Explorer.

Q3. Differentiate between system software and application software

Difference between System & Application Software
System Software

Application Software

1. It is a set of programs to control computer operations and components
1. It is set of programs used to solve particular problems of user.

2.  It is general-purpose software.

2. It is specific purpose software.

4. Examples are: Windows, Dos, Unix, Linux, Norton Antivirus etc.
4. Examples are: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point etc.

Q4. What is an Operating System?

Operating System
An operating system is a set of programs that manages all computer components and operations. Without Operating System, a computer cannot do anything. Operating system acts as an interface between a user and computer hardware. Some popular operating systems are DOS, windows, Unix

Q5. Explain Functions of operating system

Functions of Operating System
1. Process Management    2.    Main Memory Management  3.            Secondary Storage Management
4.                  I/O System management    6. File Management     7.      Protection System  8.         Networking

Q6. What is a User Interface? Explain different types of user interface

User Interface is the set of items on screen to interact with the computer. A user interacts and uses computer with the help of these items. For example, Windows Desktop is an example of user interface. Similarly Dos Prompt is also an example of user interface.
There are two main types of user interface:
1)                   Graphical User Interface
Graphical user interface or GUI provides different graphical items like windows, menus, tool bars and icons etc. All versions of Windows, Macintosh, OS/2 and some versions of Unix and Linux provide GUI.
Advantages of GUI:              a) Easy to learn   b) Easy to use    c) Use of mouse    d) Less typing
2)         Command line user interface (CLI)
 A command-line interface provides a place where user types commands for execution. CLI interface is difficult to learn and use. We have to memorize commands. Dos and some versions of Unix and Linux provide command-line interface.

Q7. Define Program and Programming Language

A set of instructions that tell a computer what to do is called program.
A set of words, symbols and codes used to write programs is called programming language.

Q8. Explain different Types of Programming Languages.

There are two main types of computer programming languages.
·        low-level languages
·        high-level languages.
Low Level Languages
These languages are near to computer hardware and far from human languages. Computer can understand these languages easily. Following are two low-level languages:
•     Machine Language      •     Assembly Language
  Machine Language
A computer language in which instructions are written in binary form(0 and 1) is called machine language.
Assembly Language
a)      Assembly language is a low-level language. In assembly language, symbols are used instead of binary code. These symbols are easy to remember.
 High Level Languages
A type of language that is close to human languages is called high level language. High-level languages are easy to understand. Instructions of these languages are written in English-like words e.g. Print, Display, Write etc.
a) Easy to learn and understand    b) Easy to modify    c) Easy to remove errors

Q9. Define Language processor or Translator. Explain different types of Language processors.

Language Processors / Translator
Computer understands only machine language. A program written in high-level or assembly language cannot be run on a computer directly. It is converted into machine language. Language processor or translator is software that converts source programs into machine language(object program). Different types of language processors are: •     Compilers   •     Interpreters     •     Assemblers
Compiler: A compiler is a program that converts the source program into machine language as a whole. A program written in high-level language is called source program. A program in machine language is called Object program.
Interpreter:An interpreter is a program that converts one statement of a program into machine code at one time.
Assembler:An assembler is a translating program that translates the instructions of a program written in assembly language into machine language.

Q10. Differentiate between: Software & Hardware, Source & Object Program, Low-level & High-level Language, DOS and Windows,

Difference between Software & Hardware



Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer  what to do


The physical parts of the computer are called hardware


Computer is useless without software.


Software cannot run without hardware.


We cannot touch the software.


We can touch the hardware.


Hardware is useless without software.


Software is useless without hardware.

Difference between Source & Object Program

Source Code

Object Code

1.    Source code is written in high-level or assembly language.


Object   code   is   in   machine language

2.    Source code is easy to understand.


Object code is difficult to understand

Difference between Low-level & High-level Language
High-level Language

Low-level Language

1.   High-level languages are easy to learn

1. Low-level languages are difficult to learn.

2.   High-level languages are near to human languages.

2, Low-level languages are far from human languages.

Difference between DOS and Windows



It is graphical operating system.


command-line operating system.


It is easy to learn.


difficult to learn.


It supports multi- tasking.


supports single-tasking.


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