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Different Types of Mouse Input Device

A mouse is a small, lightweight pointing input device. Mouse is moved on a flat surface to control the movement of the pointer on a screen. A mouse usually has two or three buttons. These buttons are used to perform different tasks.
Different types of mouse are as follows:
  • Mechanical Mouse

Mechanical mouse contains a rubber or metal ball inside it. The movement of the cursor depends on the movement of the ball.

This mouse is normally used on mouse pad. Mouse pad is a- small flat pad made of rubber or foam to provide easy movement for the mouse. It protects the mouse from dust and dirt.
  • Optical Mouse

Optical mouse contains no ball inside it. It uses a device that emits light to detect the mouse movement. Optical sensor or laser is used in these types of mouse. It is more expensive than mechanical mouse.
  • Wireless Mouse

Wireless or cordless mouse is a type of mouse that does not require a wire to work. It transmits data using wireless technology like radio waves or infrared light waves. The receiver is connected to the computer through a serial or USB port.


Unknown said…
Good find. I've been looking for unique and extraordinary mouse all over the web! My buddies at Electrical Continuing Education will definitely be awestruck! Thanks.

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