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Showing posts from March, 2015

Creating a Pie Chart in Microsoft Excel Tutorial With Pictures

Why Do We Use Excel Pie Charts? Excel Pie Charts are used in a Microsoft Excel Worksheet to display the contribution of each cell value to the total value. Today, we will discuss the procedure of creating a Pie chart in Microsoft Excel. Start Microsoft Excel and perform the following steps as explained with the help of nice clear pictures. Creating Excel Pie Charts Easy Tutorial With Pictures Steps To Create Pie Chart in Excel 1. Prepare Example Excel Worksheet For Pie Chart Start Microsoft Excel with a new blank workbook. Microsoft Excel is a part of Microsoft Office. Prepare a new Excel Worksheet as shown in the figure below to show Serial Numbers, Batsman and their Scores got in a cricket match. Fill in the sample data as you wish. 2. Select Cell Range To Prepare Excel Pie Chart Select The Two Columns named Batsman and Scores with filled values and column titles, as shown in the figure above. 3. Use Insert Tab To Create Pie Chart Click on Insert Tab and c...

Explain Procedural and Non Procedural Programming Languages

After reading this topic you will be able to clearly understand the meanings of Procedural and Non Procedural Languages and the differences between procedural and non procedural languages .  Here is a brief note on procedural and Non Procedural Computer Languages: Procedural Languages Explain Differences between Procedural Languages and Non Procedural Languages in Computer Programming In procedural languages a program is written as a sequence of instructions. We have to specify what to do and how to do. In procedural languages a program will tell the whole step by step procedure to perform a particular task or job.  So we provide a sequence of instructions and these instructions are executed in the given specified order. These instructions are written in order to solve a specific problem. Procedural languages are also called 3rd Generation languages or 3GL.3GL languages are Examples of procedural languages  Examples of Procedural languages are...

Explain Different Types and Differences of Programming Languages and Differences

Topic: Explain Different Types of Programming Languages and Differences What is a programming language? Types of programming languages : Low level and high level programming languages with examples Differences between low level and high level programming languages What is a Programming Language? A set of words, symbols and codes used to write programs is called programming language. Different programming languages are available for writing different types of programs. Learn Programming now in easy steps from Perfect Programming Tutorial on Explain different types of programming languages With the help of computer language, a programmer tells a computer what to do. Some popular computer programming languages are C++, Java, Visual Basic etc. These are examples of high level programming languages. Whereas machine language and assembly language are called low level programming language. Another Definition of a Programming Language A programming lan...