Tables are very important to show data in the form of rows and columns. Tables make data more readable and easy to understand. A table consists of rows, columns and cells.HTML Tags To Make A Table
As we know that there are basically three elements in a table, that is, rows, columns and cells. So, there are the following basic tags to create a table in an HTML web page:- <TABLE> tag
- <TR> tag
- <TD> tag
- <TH> tag

<Table> tag is used to specify the start of a table. It also specifies some attributes of the table like ALIGN and BORDER attributes etc.Example 1: <Table> => Table without a border.
Example 2: <Table border="1"> => Table with a border of width 1.
Example 3: <Table align="left" border="2"> => A left aligned Table with a border of width 2.
<TR> Tag
TR stands for TABLE ROW. As the name shows, <TR> tag is used to create a row in a table. A row is started by <TR> tag and is closed by </TR> tag. There are one or more <TD> or <TH> tags between <TR> and </TR> tags to create cells.Example 1: <TR>
1 | Ahmad |
Example 2:
<TR bgcolor="red">
1 | Ahmad |

<TD> Tag
<TD> tag is used to create a cell. TD stands for TABLE DATA. In addition, the number of cells in a row will specify number of columns in a table. The data to be shown in a cell is placed between <TD> and </TD> tags.Example 1: <TD>Ahmad</TD>
Example 2: <TD bgcolor="yellow">345</TD>
Example 3: <TD width="100">Nasir</TD>
<TH> Tag
<TH> tag is used to create a header row in a table. TH stands for TABLE HEADING.One <TH> tag makes one header cell. The data to be shown in header cell is placed between <TH> and </TH> tags.Example 1: <TH> Roll No </TH>
Example 2: <TH bgcolor="yellow">Name</TH>
Example 3:
<TH>Roll Number</TH>
<Th Marks</TH>
Roll Number | Name | Marks |
A Complete Table Example Code and Output in Browser
HTML sample Code | Output in web browser | ||||||
<table border="4"> <tr> <th>Roll Number</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Marks</th> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Ahmad</td> <td>700</td> </tr> </table> |