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Important objective type questions 1-50

Important fill in the blanks questions about computer fundamentals

  1. FTP stand for     file transfer protocol.
  2. Lady ADA is the mother of computer.
  3.    VINT CERF     is the father of Internet.
  4. Nibble consists of   4   bits.
  5.   Google     and   Yahoo   are the two search engines.
  6. TCP/IP stands for Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol.
  7. One sector on Hard Disk holds   512    bytes. 
  8. Dos, window and UNIX are three operating systems.
  9. Demodulation converts Analog signal into Digital signal.
  10. ARPANET stands for advanced research project agency network.
  11. URL stands for uniform resource locator.
  12. Charles Babbage is the father of computer.
  13. Lady ADA is the first computer programmer.
  14. Nibble contains 04 numbers of bits.
  15. Name Two Mail service mail
  16. VOIP stands for Voice over internet protocol.
  17. One sector holds 512 numbers of bytes.
  18. Name two different Operating systems DOS and Windows.
  19. The process of demodulation converts digital signal into analog signal.
  20. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
  21. Bit stands for Binary digits.
  22. The smallest unit with which any disk can work is called Byte.
  23. HTML stands for hypertext markup language.
  24. Flow Chart is pictorial representation of an algorithm.
  25. Rules that govern the data over Internet are called Internet protocol.
  26. Pixel stands for picture element.
  27. MAN stands for matropoliton area network.
  28. In Ms Word, short key for changing the case of letter is shift +F3.
  29. In Ms Excel, the shortcut key to insert current time is CTRL + : and for current date is CTRL + ;
  30. Byte is the basic storage unit in a general-purpose computer.
  31. Flow chart can be regarded as graphically representation of algorithm.
  32. LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
  33. LCD as in LCD monitor stands for liquid crystal display. and LED stands for Light emitting Diode
  34. Information can be regarded as processed data.
  35. Collection of 8 bits is called a byte whereas collection of 4 bits is called   Nibble.
  36. A word, in computer terminology contains     16    bits.
  37. CRT as in CRT monitor stands for cathode ray tube.
  38. VAN as a network stands for value added network.
  39. ANSI stands for American National standards Institute.
  40. Radix for Octal Number System is     8.
  41. HUB is an abbreviation for _Hellenic United Backbone.
  42. FAT stands for   file allocation table.
  43.     Flow chart   may be considered as the graphical counterpart of an algorithm.
  44. Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve a particular problem.
  45. (80)10 =    (1010000)2 [ divide 80 by 2 repeatedly until quotient is zero, write down remainders from bottom to top.]
  46. ASCII is an abbreviation for American standard Code for Information Interchange.
  47. BCD stands for Binary coded decimal.
  48. SDLC stands for system development life cycle.
  49. In Ms Office Suite, the shortcut key for CLOSE ALL is   Alt + F4.
  50. PCI is an abbreviation for   peripheral component Interconnect.
1. Important
objective type questions 1-50

2. Important
Objective Type Questions 51-100

3. Important
Ojective Type Questions 101-155


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