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Discuss Differences Between RAM and ROM

We have already discussed the topics:
1. What is RAM, Explain Different Types of RAM
2. What is ROM Explain Different Types of ROM
Here we discuss differences between RAM and ROM

13 Differences Between RAM and ROM

Thirteen Differences Between RAM and ROM
Thirteen Differences Between RAM and ROM

1 RAM stands for Random Access Memory ROM stands for Read Only Memory.
2 RAM is a temporary memory. ROM is a permanent memory.
3 RAM is a volatile memory. ROM is a non volatile memory.
4 When computer is turned off, all data and programs are
erased from RAM. 
When computer is turned off, all data and programs are
retained in ROM.
5 RAM is a Read / Write memory. Data can be read and written
to RAM.
ROM is a read only memory. Data from ROM only can be read
and not written.
6 Data and programs in RAM can be changed. The contents of ROM cannot be changed.
7 Data or programs in RAM can be deleted. Contents of ROM cannot be deleted.
8 The instructions and data  are written (loaded) in RAM
at execution time, when computer is working.
The instructions in ROM are written at the time of
9 RAM is used to load data and programs currently running. ROM contains the instructions that help the computer to
start-up and make it ready for work.
10 RAM is much faster than ROM. ROM is slower than RAM.
11 RAM has two main types: Static RAM and Dynamic RAM ROM has three types: PROM, EPROM and EEPROM
12 Physically RAM chip is larger than ROM chip. Physically ROM chip is smaller than RAM chip.
13 Picture of RAM is:
Differentiate between RAM and ROM
Picture of ROM is:
Explain Differences between RAM and ROM

These were the differences between Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory
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