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Explain Parts of CPU and its Working

CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT / CPU / Microprocessor / Processor Central processing unit is the brain of computer. It is also called CPU or processor . Processor is used to process data according to given instructions. It performs arithmetic and logical operations on data. Parts / Components of CPU / Processor on It controls all activities of different parts of a computer . As brain in human body controls all other parts of body and takes decisions, CPU controls all other parts of the computer and their working. A CPU has three basic parts: Arithmetic Logic unit, Control unit and Registers. Parts of Microprocessor or Processor or CPU or Central Processing Unit 1.    ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU) ALU performs data processing according to given instructions. All computations are done in this unit. ALU is the real place in computer where actual execution of instructions takes place. ALU may be further categorized into two sections acco

Explain Different Types Of Output Devices

Output devices Out put devices are used to display results of processing to the user. They perform the following functions:  Receive results from memory  Convert data into human readable form  Display results to the user Examples include: Monitor, printer, plotter, speaker, and multimedia projector. Different Types of Output Devices 1.    Monitor LCD Monitor CTR Monitor     Monitor is the most commonly used output device used to display results of processing. It has a TV like shape. Pictures on monitor are formed with picture elements called PIXEL. Monitors may be Monochrome that will display results in Black & White. Color Monitors are also available. They display results in multi colors. Monitor produces soft copy output. 2.    Printers Printers are used to produce hard copy out put. They print processing results on paper. Printers are divided into two main categories: ·    Impact Printers ·    Non Impact printers Impact Printers.

What are Different Types of Input Devices With Examples

Topic: Different types of input devices of a computer system with examples, pictures and explanation:  Topics Covered are: Definition of Input Devices Functions of Input Devices ( How input devices work? ) Examples of Input Devices Pictures / Images of different input devices Different Examples of Input Devices With Description Keybboard Mouse Trach Ball Trackpad Joy Stick Light Pen Microphone Scanner Graphic Tablet ( Digitizer ) Digital Camera Touch Screen ( I/O Device / Dual Device - Perform Both Functions input + Output ) INPUT DEVICES ( Definition ) Input devices are used to enter data and instructions into computer memory from external world. Input Device is a hardware part of the computer that is used to enter data and instructions into computer memory. The examples of input devices include: Keyboard, Mouse , Track ball, Track Pad, Joy stick, Touch Screen, Light pen,   Scanner , Digital Camera, Microphone, Graphics tablet etc. They (inpu