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Computer Internet Test Interview Viva Voce

Q.1 What is internet?             Internet is the network of networks around the world. It is made up of thousands of smaller networksInternet provides following main facilities:  ·  E- mail                    ·   Chat           ·Searching  jobs    ·       Advertising for business            ·E-commerce     ·Searching information Q.2 Define :WWW, ISP, WEB PAGE, WEB SITE, WEB SERVER, WEB BROWSER WWW stands for World Wide Web. It is also called web. It is the collection of all connected web documents stored on different web servers. WWW has many advantages: · finding a job    ·      searching information ·          e-commerce · education · advertisement for business   ·         weather forecast  ·     entertainment ISP stands for internet service provider. It is a company that provides internet connections to users. For example WOL net, PAK net, CYBER net etc. are ISPs. WEB PAGE:      A document created by HTML and found on web is a web page. A web page contains information in the