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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions Tutorial 3

How Functions are Used in Excel Fast and Easy Way 3

What is a Function in Microsoft Excel? Microsoft Excel provides a large number of Functions for processing data in Excel Worksheets easily. Functions are predefined formulas in Excel. These functions are used in different types of calculations on numerical or other data  quickly. How a Function is Used in Microsoft Excel? There are three popular ways to use built-in functions in Microsoft Excel. 1. Type Functions Manually 2. Use Function Library Commands 3. Use Insert Function Dialogue Box Other Microsoft Excel Topics on  Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions Fast and Easy Way -1 Using Simple Formulas in Excel With Arithmetic Operators 2 How Functions are Used in Excel Fast and Easy Way 3 Create Bar Chart in Excel Easily by Example Employee Pay sheet Formulas in Microsoft Excel  Students Test Score Grades Result Sheet in Excel Electricity Bill Calculator Formulas in Excel    Microsoft Office Word Pro...