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Showing posts with the label Common Tasks in Word Processing

Microsoft Office Word Processing Practicals

Today we will discuss some important basic Microsoft Office Word Processing Practicals . These practicals are essential part of Learning Microsoft Word for basic documentation preparation process. How To Create a New File (Document) and Save It Start Microsoft Word according to the procedure shown in the following picture or by double clicking the Microsoft Word shortcut on desktop. Microsoft Word will open with a blank document. Type something in this Word document Then Click on Microsoft Office button and then Save option Or you can press keyboard shortcut CTRL+S Type file name and select location Click on Save. I have given the solutions according to some old versions of Microsoft Office 2000, 2003 etc. MS OFFICE 2000, 2003 Old is Gold  Open Microsoft Word Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Word To Create a New File File -> New or Press CTRL+N To Save a File: File -> Save or Save As -> Type file name -> Select file location...