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Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Topology

Tree Topology Actually, a Tree topology is the combination of two topologies: bus topology   and star topology . A tree topology combines the characteristics of bus and star topologies. It consists of groups of computer connected as star topology. These groups are then connected to a central communication medium (bus cable). Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Network Topology Advantages of Tree Network Topology 1. Many software and hardware vendors support tree topology . 2. It provides point-to-point wiring for individual groups. Disadvantages of Tree Network Topology 1. If the main backbone line breaks, the entire tree network goes down . 2. A tree network is more difficult to configure and maintain. 3. If any hub fails, related segment will be removed from the network. Read  More on Networking and Networks 1 Explain Advantages Of Networks 2 Types Of Computer Networks...