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Showing posts with the label 14 Differences between data and information.

Differences Between Data and Information

Topic: Differences Between Data and Information - 14 Differences Here we are going to discuss the differences between two typical terms of information technology: Data and Information . Data is a collection of raw facts and figures about an entity . Data may consist of numbers, characters, audio, video or pictures etc. When these data is processed according to requirements, then it is transformed into INFORMATION . Differences between data and information with examples For example, consider Admission system of a Computer College. The candidates will submit admissions forms filled by them. Now all the facts and figures and picture of candidate on form is called data. These data may consist of name, father's name, date of birth, marks obtained, total marks, address, contact number and a latest photo graph of the candidate. Now the concerned person in the college office will process these data to prepare a merit list. He may calculate percentage of obtained marks of eac...