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Showing posts with the label disadvantages of internet

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Internet

what are the advantages and disadvantages of internet Internet has many advantages for users along with some disadvantages too. Let us discuss the benefits of using Internet first. ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET what are the advantages and disadvantages of internet Following are the main advantages of internet: 1. THE WORLD WIDE WEB This is also called web or www or 3w. The collection of all web pages in all web sites on internet is called www. These web pages provide us information. 2. E-MAIL E-mail stands for electronic mail. It is the most popular, cheap, easy and fastest mailing service. We can send and receive messages on internet with in seconds or minutes. 3. NEWSGROUPS Newsgroups are discussion groups on internet. They are used for free exchange of information. 4. MAILING LISTS Mailing lists provide information to the users on the selected topics through email. Mailing lists are maintained by different companies. 5. ONLINE BANKING Several banks are onlin...