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Showing posts with the label Use of Tables in HTML

HTML Table Tag Basics

Tables Tables are very important to show data in the form of rows and columns. Tables make data more readable and easy to understand. A table consists of rows, columns and cells. HTML Tags To Make A Table As we know that there are basically three elements in a table, that is, rows, columns and cells. So, there are the following basic tags to create a table in an HTML web page: <TABLE> tag <TR> tag <TD> tag <TH> tag   <TABLE> Tag <Table> tag is used to specify the start of a table. It also specifies some attributes of the table like ALIGN and BORDER attributes etc. Example 1: <Table>                    => Table without a border. Example 2: <Table border="1">     => Table with a border of width 1. Example 3: <Table align="left" border="2">  => A left aligned Table with a border of width 2. ...