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Showing posts with the label Demerits of Fiber Optic Cables

Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable

What is a Fiber Optic Cable? A Fiber Optic cable comes with the technology that uses glass threads called fibers to transmit data as pulses of light. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves. A Fiber Optic Cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. A Fiber Optic cable has a very narow strand of glass like human hair.  What is Bandwidth of a Fiber Cable?  Modern fiber cables can contain up to a thousand fibers in a single cable, with potential bandwidth in the terabytes per second.  Explain Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable Advantages of fiber Optic Cables Fiber Optic cables are used to create very high speed networks. Fiber Optic cables come with a very high information carrying capacity. Electromagnetic waves cannot disturb the data passing through the Fiber Optic cables. Fiber Optic Cables provide a more reliable and...